Since 1973, abortion has been defined by the Supreme Court as a woman's right. Should it be a right? Why or why not? What is "pro-choice" and "pro-life"? Who's behind these ideas? What is abortion, exactly? I hope to answer these questions in this section.
There are many players in the abortion game: Planned Parenthood, NARAL, and Rock For Choice are in favor of abortion rights, in all situations. The National Right to Life Committee, American Life League, and Rock For Life are opposed to abortion, in most or all situations.
Pro-life links:
American Life League
Why Life?
Rock For Life
American Bioethics Advisory Commission
Rachel's Vineyard - Post-abortion healing
STOPP - Stop Planned Parenthood
World Life League
National Right to Life Committee
Abortion Is Murder
Americans United for Life
Anarchists for Life
Atheists and Agnostics for Life
Baptists for Life
Center for Bio-ethical Reform
Children of God for Life
Fathers of Aborted Children Together as One
Feminism and Nonviolence Studies Association
Former Women of Choice